
Architect and Project Manager: Sabrina De Caro
Performance: Piano Project Unit, Detailed Design and Construction Supervision
Client: COGEIM S.r.l.
Location: corner of Via San Proclio - Via Panebianco, Cosenza, Italy
Lot Area: 4,341 sq m
Overground volume: 21840.83 cb m
Years of Production: 2002-2005
Graphic design: Mattia Sullini

Bipolarity and transversality are the elements on which this project is built, an intervention in which the relations between the urban and the private living space come together with the need to blend a strong contemporary feel with the otherwise anonymous surrounding building, dating back to the early 60's.

The building is leased in an urban area, near the centre of the city of Cosenza, affected today by an extensive architectural activity. Raised above street level, it gains momentum with its 10 storeys, used as residences, offices and shops.

Aesthetics and functionality are seamlessly integrated and displayed, offering a building extremely rich in form and content. Cold and rigorous lines contrast with soft and sinuous shapes, which converge and give emphasis to the verticality of the central volume. The combination of forms is enhanced by a choice of colours ranging from grey metal to warm earth tones.